missionary baptist church
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church

I. S. Simmons
J. W. Brown
Gabe Simmons
Vannie Brown
R. B. Bennett
H. M. Booze
Stanley R. Mathis
And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ,
the son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon;
for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my father which is in heaven.
And I say also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church:
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Matthew 16:16-18
In 1914, a band of Christians came together and held a meeting in the home of the late Brother Monroe Augustine on Huffman Street. Plans were made to organize a church and they contacted the late Rev. C.M. King who organized the band into a church. They were first called “Christians at Antioch”, and later “Antioch Baptist Church” was chosen. A plot of ground was selected by this small body and the late Rev. I. S. Simmons was elected the first pastor. A small structure was erected under the pastorage of Rev. Simmons who served this progressive and evergrowing group for 8 years.
The late Rev. J. W. Brown succeeded Rev. Simmons and served as an inspirational, progressive leader for 15 years. Rev. Brown expired in June of 1937 and the late Rev. Gabe Simmons served successfully for 6 years. After the passing of Rev. Simmons, the late Rev. Vannie Brown, Sr. accepted the pastorage of this flock in 1943. During his administration, the church made great progress and many souls were added. The church was enlarged and remodeled, however, Rev. Brown was still dissatisfied with the small structure, and had a vision for a new church. After years of hope and prayerful planning, the old church was demolished in 1951, and his dream of a new church became a reality in 1952. Antioch remained under his leadership for 11 years.
In August of 1954, the late Dr. R. B. Bennett was elected to continue the progress of the ever growing church. Under his 33 years of leadership, the current church was erected; membership grew to approximately seven hundred members; an educational building was erected with necessary facilities; new pews were installed; new musical instruments were purchased, and Antioch was encouraged to become a tithing church. Various pieces of property were purchased and developed into parking lots. In September, 1981, the church purchased adjacent property on Wise Street that was developed into an all purpose facility, later named “Dr. R. B. Bennett Fellowship Annex”. Rev. Bennett, “dreamer of dreams”, expired on June 27, 1987.
The late Rev. Henry M. Booze was elected pastor on August 6, 1987. Under his 15-1/2 year leadership,a $100,000 debt for the construction of the fellowship annex was liquidated in 7-1/2 years; additional properties were acquired; a church van was purchased; covered entrance ways were installed; handicapped parking spaces were designated; a Children’s Church Ministry was formed; early morning worship service was instituted for the first and third Sundays; and Men and Women’sDay celebrations became an annual success. This man of God whose motto was: “I Won’t Complain”, and who constantly reminded us, “I know who I am and whose I am”, was called from earth to reward on February 28, 2003.
The church family prayed again and asked God for a spiritual and anointed leader that would take us to the next level. On November 7, 2003, Rev. Stanley R. Mathis was elected Antioch’s seventh pastor. Under his leadership, the church has experienced congregational growth, a new van has been purchased, new video and sound system installed, a church security system has been added, and new musical equipment purchased. The sanctuary was renovated to include new carpet and reupholstered pews, pulpit chairs and choir seats; new choir robes have been purchased. Additional renovations of bathrooms and ladies lounge have occurred, and a choir robe room has been created. Additional property has been acquired and all three rent houses have been demolished to provide for future expansion. New ministries are continuously being formed and revised to meet the needs of the ever changing congregation.The pastor also provides additional ministry outreach by broadcasting portions of our Sunday services on KAYT 88.1 Radio. The church actively supports the H. M. Booze Scholarship Program that is under the UEMBA umbrella, and has established The Thomas A. Ellis Scholarship which awards a $500 scholarship to a deserving student each year. It is our prayer by the grace of God, that in the near future, we will be worshiping in a new sanctuary. We will be forever guided by our age old tradition where…“Christ is first, everybody is somebody, and God smiles.”
Antioch Founders:
Sis. Eliza Harris, Sis.Mary Kemper, Sis. Tennie Simmons, Sis. Marian Brown, Sis. Alice Monday, Sis. Celeste Elmore, Sis. Emma Simmons, Sis. Ann Allen Brochers, Bro. Mack Perry, Bro. Oak Allen, and others.
We thank God for these great historians who left this legend, and we will be eternally grateful for them.