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The After School Tutorial Program is established to help students learn, review content with them, explain how to solve problems and check completed work. The program is also designed to help students develop study skills and organization techniques to help improve their academic performance.

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The Antioch Women of Praise is a spiritual praise dance group for mature women of the church, ages 40 and up. They incorporate gospel music and movement as a form of worship to express the word and spirit of God.


The Deaconess participate in the ordinances of the church, baptism and the Lord’s Supper. They are responsible for preparing candidates for baptism and the preparation of the Lord’s Supper. Additionally, they call, visit, and mail get-well cards to the sick and shut-in and coordinate and assist other ministries as needed.


The Deacons assist during the devotional and offertory period through prayer and praise. They support the pastor by visiting the sick and shut-in and are responsible for assisting during baptism, the observance of the Lord’s Supper, and other directed assignments from the pastor. The deacons support the pastor in the affairs of the church.


This ministry is responsible for the beautification of the grounds surrounding the church, ensuring that the grounds are free of litter,

grass mowed in a timely basis, and any other maintenance necessary to maintain cosmetic appeal.


This ministry is responsible for the general beautifi-cation and cleaning of the church interior, ensuring that the sanctuary, all bathrooms, offices, and fellowship hall is presentable at all times.


The Decoration Ministry help to create a warm and inviting church atmosphere by offering their time, talent, and treasure to beautify the House of the Lord.  Attention is paid to special church activities. This ministry also tends to the live flowers and plants in the facility.


The Greeters Ministry creates an atmosphere of warmth and fellowship to all members and visitors upon entrance into the church. The greeters are stationed in the vestibule area and are the first contact for all persons entering to worship. 


The Kitchen Ministry is responsible for the food service and has accountability and oversees the operation, use, cleanliness, and maintenance of the church kitchen and its equipment. This ministry provides food for all special supported church activities including funeral repasts.

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The Media Ministry ensures that the sound system is working properly for every worship service and that announcements and scriptures are displayed. It is also this ministry's respons-ibility to live stream the service to Facebook and YouTube social media. Recordings are also available to be sent to the radio station for broadcast.


This ministry is responsible for providing courses of study to new members to acquaint them with the policies and procedures of the church. All new members are required to complete these orientation classes before participating in any ministries of the church. Length of orientation is dependent upon the new member's prior Christian experience.

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Paradise Ministries is Antioch’s radio outreach ministry that is heard three times per week on KAYT 88.1 FM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 A.M. This ministry is particu-larly essential for those persons who are incarcerated, sick and shut-in, or others who do not use or possess social media access.

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The Mass Communications Ministry is responsible for developing press releases for distribution to radio, television, and/or newspapers concerning upcoming events. 


The Music Ministry is to enrich and enhance the worship service through spiritual songs of praise by edifying and honoring our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The Music Ministries at Antioch include the Praise Team and Mass Choir.


The Nurses Ministry will promote general physical and spiritual wellness by targeting the holistic care of the church family. Membership is open to anyone who has had First Aid and CPR Training. The Nurses Ministry works closely with the seniors of the church, planning activities which include health fairs, movies, tour excursions, and a senior recognition day.

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Senior Day Camp is designed for all seniors, ages 55 and up. Activities include scripture, prayer, songs,

bible lessons, low impact exercises, and bingo and other games with prizes. Speakers are made available on occasion to share items of interest including medicare benefits, home health, etc. Lunch is provided.

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The Sunday School’s goal is to teach God’s word to all ages

from infancy through adulthood, utilizing well trained teachers. This ministry promotes family worship and encourages believers to demonstrate Christian conduct in speech and action. It also promotes daily prayer and Bible study.


The purpose of this ministry is to reach others with the gospel by providing transportation to attend worship service on a regular basis.  The Transportation Ministry strives to focus on providing a warm, friendly and clean environment on the church van.


The Ushers Ministry is designed to serve by graciously greeting, directing, and assisting God’s people in a friendly and hospitable manner as they enter the sanctuary. They assist the deacons during the offertory period, make items available for the Pastor, and care for the needs of the congregation.


The Women's Mission Union's main purpose is to educate and involve adults, youth,  and children in the cause of Christian missions. The WMU works closely with activities established at the district and state levels.


The Youth Ministry is de-signed to involve children

and youth, ages 2-17 in ministries with emphasis on youth enrichment and Christian development. Youth programs include YOA (Youth of Antioch) and Liturgical Dancers.


Missionary Baptist Church

2308 Houston Street

Alexandria, LA 71301

Church: 318.443.2022

Fax: 318.442.4111





9:00 am Each Sunday

3rd Sunday - Communion

5th Sunday - Tribal Sunday


Via Conference Call

Saturdays @ 1:00 pm

(978) 990-5406

Access code: 779566#


Wednesdays @ 12:00 Noon

R.B. Bennett Fellowship Annex

Copyright 2023 Antioch Missionary Baptist Church....All Rights Reserved

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